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The overthinker

"Long time no see", perhaps this is how this blog would greet me today, if it was alive.

Yes, It has been a long time, I haven't been writing anything at all, unless it is work related. The habit isn't there, I have changed a lot in past many years. I think i forgot about this blog for a long time.

I wonder if it matters at all. who is reading this other than some friends, with whom I share the link of the posts. I think it doesn't matter, as long as I am able to write my feelings and convert my thoughts in visible words.

Words which are leaving me slowly, silently. I don't even know if I am an introvert or extrovert anymore. When I look in the past and present to compare, I see a lot has changed, a lot indeed. I feel like I am not what I used to be. But then again isn't it the key rule of life and time, it changes.

Sometimes I think, Have I accomplished something ? Am I happy ? Am I satisfied with what I have ?

Yes, I have accomplished something, more than something in fact. I am what I wanted to be, at least professionally, I am a good person at heart, or at least I think I am. I am happy, I am satisfied with everything in my life.

Unless, someone or something pushes me to think otherwise. Actually the thirst to achieve is over, now it is just an obsession. Obsession of earning and having materialistic objects. Can I give them up?, you might ask. Well, I don't think so, not until I have reasons to keep pushing.

There is a void lurking somewhere inside which is like a black hole hungry to gain more and more. Be it knowledge, money or social status. It's like an addiction, more you have more you crave. I am not sure how long I will be like this, but I am certain that this feeling is going to stick around in foreseeable future.

Am I "The Overthinker" ?
Umm, maybe, Yes, I think I am. I do think a lot and that too about any thing, relevant or irrelevant with my life. I don't know if it is a good or bad thing but I have always been like that.

Ha, Seems like I have run entire circle, as I started with I have changed a lot and now I am back to, I have always been like that. See, Overthinking again. :)


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