The World of Dreams is really so fascinating. Anything could happen here, sometimes its good and sometimes it terrifies us.
The dream are actually the creation of our sub-conscious brain which simulates the vision while we are in state of sleep. Various types of dream studies has been performed by the scientists but my objective here is not to discuss those scientific research but to discuss how fascinating these dreams are.
A few nights ago I was dreaming about a very strange place where I have never been and some times I dream about the places I have seen in real life. These dreams sometimes depends upon our own mental state. For example if we are suffering from mental pressure or stress, these dreams will show us the things or the situation which represents our real life situation.
Some people think dream interpretation is nothing more than superstition but some thinks that it is true and they perform research on this.
There have been several incidence like this which turns out to be real with me. On countless occasions I have also felt that Several of my real life happening I have already went through, may be in my dreams.
What makes these dreams so interesting? Have you ever thought about it? See when it happens with me it gives me an idea of what is to come. Even if this is just a superstition of my mind but yet I try to prepare myself for what might come underway. And I have noticed that Whenever I tried to ignore this most of the time I have to face consequences.
Recently I dreamed of failing in my mathematics exams, sounds funny right? but this is related to my actual fear of mathematics. I am a good programmer and software engineer but I am really afraid of mathematics since I was in 8th standard of my school. On the same day I saw that I was hugging a good friend of mine, and that turns out into that we were not talking for so long time and on following days we had some conversation about something.
I believe that dreams are a hint to what our mental state might be in future, or in some cases a hint about what might come underway. So whenever you have any dream you just think about it once before ignoring it.
If you don't remember your dream at all you shall not worry, its a good omen. Because these dreams may sometimes be misleading. A great researcher have found out from various experiments that dreams may be completely controlled by our conscious mind, but this takes a lot of practice. But I believe that dreams shall be always un controlled because they sometimes helps us understand that in which direction we are moving. Here is good tip, whenever you have a dream try to note it down, and observe what happens in your life and than try to compare it.
If you google you'll come up with many books on dreams and their interpretation but this one is particularly interesting try this out.
"Dream Symbols: An answer to prayer?" this particularly tries to compare the dreams with what we pray and what we get.
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