Sometimes there are some incidents that forces you to think about the goodness of this life. A few days ago i witness same kind of incidence. I travel to my office by bus, and being in local bus I got to see different type of people and incidences. Some funny and some odd.
I am not going to write so much in this story. This is a simple and sweet incident that touched my heart. So I thought to share it here, on my blog.
A few days ago when I was traveling to my office as usual. After a few stops a young couple boarded the bus. they were in their teenage, possibly in early days of college life. But this is not special about them, this is pretty common to see these days. Neither, their being together attracted my attention. There was something special about that couple that made it an awesome and lovely feeling to see these two young birds together.
The boy was "Deaf" and "Dumb". The couple was talking in sign language. I was feeling a gratitude for the couple that they didn't care for the world. They were just happy with the company of each other. I could guess that the girl was not deaf or dumb because she could talk to other passengers in the bus, as she was the one to tell the conductor where they were going. To me it was "The silent journey" but to them it was full of words and talks. Even in the silent signs of their language there were lots and lots of smiles and so much love. When god took away senses from the boy which is so necessary for any human, he gave him the will power to live and fight the rules of this mean world. He have him a friend who accepted him with his so called "abnormality".
The bus was as usual crowded and fighting his was through the crowed when conductor reached the place where they were standing, conductor asked for the side but as he could not hear he didn't responded, then conductor scolded him. But the smile never faded from the lips of any of the boy or girl. She just smiled at him and everything was normal. All the way they were smiling, holding hands and talking in sign language. This made me to thank God for giving a way to live to anyone.
When he(Almighty God) made this world he gave everyone a reason to live and a path to follow. But we human beings are also blessed with an extra power, that is "Will Power". When a human is fighting for survival its the will power that keeps him/her alive.
But there are millions of selfish people who think they are mightier than God. they thing this world is created by humans not God, But may be they forgot that human is created by God only. There is some power who is behind every small happening in this world, that power is God.
This couple in mentioned in this post, their happiness is just an example of his blessings. There is no bounding in love there is no bounding in his blessings. He knows how to keep someone happy he knows how to teach anyone to live. If he gave you a path, If he put hurdles in that path, he will also teach you to tackle those hurdles and finally you'll reach your destination. But remember to thank him when you reach the destination.
God bless that lovely couple, God bless the will power to live against the rules of this world. God bless humanity.
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