Here i give you the details for each number from 0 to 9
See if you reckon its interesting.
The number 1 is the first number & it is generally believed that in the starting of creation this number 1 was first created & hence all other numbers evolved from it.
This number one is thus a creative number & in Numerology stands for the symbolism of Sun. So this number 1 represents all that is positive & creative. So the persons born with this number are generally strong individuals, creative in their work & are inventive , having a very strong personality.
So any person born on 1st, 10th , 19th or 28th of any month shall have all these qualities in their personality, but especially if they are born between the 21st July and the 28th August, which is the time in Zodiac called the "Sun House".
Number 1 people rise in whatever their job or profession may be as they are very ambitious & do not like any restraint in their work. They have a great desire to rise very high in any position/job they are holding.
Number 1 people get along very well with the people who have also number 1 as their key number. Other than their number ,number 1 people get along well with number 2 , 4 , 7 such as people born on 2nd, 4th, 7th, 11th, 13th, 16th, 20th, 22nd, 25th, 29th & 31st of any month.
Dates of any month when they should carry out their ideas & plans........ 1st, 10th , 19th or 28th of any month .
Days of the week very lucky for these people..........Sunday & Monday ....... so if number 1 people carry on/start their plans on Sunday or Monday they shall be lucky in whatever they do.
Numerology's Number 2
The number 2 is the second number & it is generally believed that it represents Moon. As Moon is considered feminine to the Sun , so number 1 people are opposite in character to the number 2 , but their natures shall be very harmonious to each other & shall make a good combination.
As is the qualities of Moon in astrology , so here also people born with this number are artistic, imaginative, poetic, & romantic. They are very gentle by nature.
They work more on mental level than on physical level. They are comparatively less stronger than number 1 people.
So any person born on 2nd, 11th , 20th or 29th of any month shall have all these qualities in their personality, but especially if they are born between the 20th June and the 27th July, which is the time in Zodiac called the " Moon House" .
Number 2 people are restless & generally are not settled easily in life. They sometimes lack continuity in their plans, ideas & sometimes have lack of confidence.
Number 2 people get along very well with the people who have also number 1 as their key number. Other than number 1,number 2 people get along well with number 7 such as people born on 7th, 16th, or 25th, of any month.
Dates of any month when they should carry out their ideas & plans........ 2nd, 11th , 20th or 29th of any month .
Days of the week very lucky for these people..........Sunday ,Monday & Friday ....... so if number 2 people carry on/start their plans on Sunday , Monday or Friday , they shall be lucky in whatever they do.
The number 3 is the third number & it is generally believed that it represents Planet Jupiter. It has a special relation to every third in the series, such as 3, 6, 9, and all its additions. 3, 6, 9 people are all sympathetic to each other.
People born with this number 3 are like the number 1 individuals, & are very ambitious, their aim is to rise very high in life & never feel satisfied working in subordinate positions, they like to be Boss in every field.
They want authority & control over others. They love discipline & order in all things & are very good in execution of commands ; they readily obey orders themselves, but like & insist on having their orders obeyed.
Number 3 people often excel in positions of authority in government, navy or army & in other fields also. They rise to a very high positions in business or any other profession in which they work. Sometimes they become dictatorial , which quality they should avoid.
They are very proud & dislike under obligation to others; they are also exceptionally independent, & resist restraint.
So any person born on 3rd , 12th , 21st or 30th of any month shall have all these qualities in their personality, but especially if they are born between the 19th Feb. and the 27th March, or between 21st Nov. to Dec. 27th.
Number 3 people get along very well with the people who have also number 3 as their key number. Other than number 3 , number 6& number 9 people get along well or who are born on 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th, 6th , 15th, 24th, 9th, 18th , 27th of any month.
Dates of any month when they should carry out their ideas & plans........ 3rd, 12th , 21st or 30th of any month .
Days of the week very lucky for these people..........Tuesday ,Thursday & Friday ....... Thursday being their key day.
So if number 3 people carry on/start their plans on Tuesday ,Thursday & Friday ....... they shall be lucky in whatever they do.
Numerology's Number 4
The number 4 is the fourth number & it is generally believed that it represents Planet Uranus. It is related to Sun, which is number 1, & is generally written as 4-1.
Number4 people have a distinct, unique character. They view everything from a different, opposite point of view as viewed by others.
They bring opposition in argument & make many secret enemies, who always work against them.
They rebel rules & regulations & if they are able to go their way , they shall reverse the order of things, whether it is in governments or communities. They rebel against constitutional authority & make new rules & regulations ,whether it is public life or home life. They make reforms of all types & are very positive in their views & opinions.
So any person born on 4th, 13th , 22nd or 31st of any month shall have all these qualities in their personality, but especially if they are born between the 21st June and the 27th July, which is the time in Zodiac called the " Moon House" or born between the 21st July and the 31st Aug, which is the time in Zodiac called the " Sun House"
Number 4 people do not make easy friends with others. They get attracted to people those are born under the 1 , 2 , 7 , 8 numbers.
They are rarely successful in material & worldly matters & generally dislike accumulating wealth of this world. If they get good amount of money they shall employ their wealth in such a way that normal person shall get surprised.
Their main faults are that they are very sensitive, easily wounded in their feelings, inclined to feel isolated & lonely & are likely to remain despondent till they achieve success.
Dates of any month when they should carry out their ideas & plans........ 4th, 13th, 22nd, & 31st of any month.
Days of the week very lucky for these people..........Saturday, Sunday &Monday .
So if number 4 people carry on/start their plans on Saturday, Sunday &Monday , they shall be lucky in whatever they do.
Numerology's Number 5
The number 5 is the fifth number & it is generally believed that it represents Planet Mercury, so number 5 people are mercurial & very versatile in all of their characteristics.
Number 5 people make friends very easily with others & are friendly to persons born under any number but their best friends are those who are born under their own number such as 5th, 14th, 23rd of any month.
They are very highly strung on their nerves & appear to create excitement. They are very quick in thought & decision .They are very good at making money & easily apply all those methods which produce money. They have a keen sense of making money by new ideas & inventions. They speculate things & in Stock exchange matters excel others. They are ready to take risk & are generally successful in it.
They have elasticity of character & come out quickly from the heaviest blow. They do not carry on the things for long; like mercury their planet ,the blows of fate leave no marks on their character. If they are by nature good, they shall remain so & if bad, they shall remain bad & no one's ideas can change them.
So any person born on 5th, 14th or 23rd of any month shall have all these qualities in their personality, but especially if they are born between the 21st May and the 27th June, or born between the 21st Aug. and the 27th Sep.
Their main faults are that they exhaust their nervous strength to such an extent that they do get nervous breakdown & under tension of mind they become irritable.
Dates of any month when they should carry out their ideas & plans........ 5th, 14th, 23rd of any month.
Days of the week very lucky for these people..........Wednesday & Friday.
So if number 5 people carry on/start their plans on Wednesday & Friday , they shall be lucky in whatever they do.
Numerology's Number 6
The number 6 is the Sixth number & it is generally believed that it represents Planet Venus, so number 6 people are those who are born on the 6th, 15th or 24th of any month but they are influenced by this number more if they are born in between 20th April to May 27th and from 21st September to 27th October.
Number 6 people are very much loved by others, they are extremely magnetic & people working under them worship them as their icon.
They are always very much determined in carrying out their thoughts & plans & work very hard to achieve that. They are unyielding & become passionate in whatever they love.
As number 6 is influenced by Planet Venus,they are more prone to love , still their love is not sensual & its generally "Mother Love."
They expect idealness in their matters of affections. They have most of the qualities of Venus & they love beautiful things, their homes are artistically decorated & are fond of good, rich colors. They love music & painting.
They are very fond of art & artists, they love to enjoy with their friends & make everyone happy in their company but they can't stand jealousy & discord.
If they get angry, they shall fight it to death than yielding to anyone. The number 6 people have a great power to make more friends than any other class except number 5, but especially if persons are born in the series of 3, 6, 9.
So any person born on he 6th, 15th or 24th of any month shall have all these qualities in their personality.
Dates of any month when they should carry out their ideas & plans........ 6th, 15th or 24th of any month.
Days of the week very lucky for these people..........Tuesday, Thursday & Friday.
So if number 6 people carry on/start their plans on Tuesday, Thursday & Friday , they shall be lucky in whatever they do.
Numerology's Number 7
The number 7 is the Seventh number & it is generally believed that it represents Planet Neptune, so number 7 people are those who are born on the 7th, 16th or 25th of any month but they are influenced by this number more if they are born in between 21st June to July 27th which in Zodiac is called "The house of moon'. Neptune is always associated with moon.
Moon is generally given the number 2 ,so number 7 has their secondary number as 2 & they make very good friends with number 2 born , as born on 2nd, 11th, 20th, of any month, especially if they are born in the House of Moon, from 21st June to 31st July.
Number 7 people are very much original, independent & have strong individuality. At heart they love travel & change & are generally restless in their nature. If they have money , they visit far away lands, foreign countries . They would always want to know more of far away lands.
Similarly they shall be interested in travel books also & shall have a great knowledge of world at large.
They generally make good painters, writers, poets, & they are generally philosophical also in their thoughts & outlook. They care less for the material things & are having original ideas to become rich. If they have more money they make donations, charities etc.
The women of this number generally marry well, as they are anxious of future & generally settle down well in life.
They are good at business but have original ideas to carry on. They become interested in Sea matters & trade & business related to sea.. They become good merchants, importers & exporters, dealing with foreign countries.
They are having certain ideas about religion & shall create a religion of their own than following the beaten track. They have a leaning towards occultism, intuition & clairvoyance & influence others also in this subject.
So any person born on he 7th, 16th or 25th of any month shall have all these qualities in their personality.
Dates of any month when they should carry out their ideas & plans........7th, 16th or 25th of any month.
Days of the week very lucky for these people..........Sunday & Monday.
So if number 7 people carry on/start their plans on Sunday & Monday , they shall be lucky in whatever they do.
Numerology's Number 8
The number 8 is the Eighth number & it is generally believed that it represents Planet Saturn, so number 8 people are those who are born on the 8th, 17th or 26th of any month but they are influenced by this number more if they are born in between 21st December to 26th January or from 26th January to 26th February .
They have very deep intense natures , great strength of individuality & play very important role on the stage of life, but a life which is fatalistic & they are just like an instrument of fate. They are generally misunderstood in life & they are generally lonely at heart & suffer much in their affections.
If they are religious , they carry it to the fanatic zeal , they pursue it to the last end in spite of opposition & argument. They generally appear cool & undemonstrative, though they are very warm at heart but they hide their feelings from others & allow people to think of them as they like.
These people are either great successes or great failures. If ambitious, they go for public life or government responsibility & rise very high in life ,sacrificing much of their life for the cause they espouse.
Its not a lucky number from worldly point of view & persons born under this suffer great sorrows, humiliation & losses.
This number 8 represents two worlds, material & spiritual. They live dual life , one material & other spiritual. From the earlier ages it has been related to irrevocable fate. In astrology it stands for Saturn, which is also called the Planet of Fate.
One side of this number is that it represent revolution, waywardness, upheaval, anarchy & eccentricities of all kinds.
The other side represents Philosophical thoughts, occult sciences, religious devotion, zeal of purpose & a fatalistic outlook in all actions.
All people with number 8 feel that they are different & distinct from other people. They are generally misunderstood & hardly reap the results for good done to others. They are remembered after their death & great eulogies are written after their death in their praise.
Those on lower plane have tragic ends to their lives & come in conflict with human justice.
So any person born on he 8th, 17th or 26th of any month shall have all these qualities in their personality.
Dates of any month when they should carry out their ideas & plans........8th, 17th or 26th of any month.
Days of the week very important for these people..........Saturday, Sunday & Monday. So if number 8 people carry on/start their plans on Saturday, Sunday & Monday , they shall be lucky in whatever they do.
Numerology's Number 9
The number 9 is the ninth number & it is generally believed that it represents Planet Mars, so number 9 people are those who are born on the 9th, 18th or 27th of any month but they are influenced by this number more if they are born in between 21st March to April 26th or which in Zodiac is between 21st October to November 27th called "The house of mars' .
People born under number 9 are fighters in all they attempt in life. In early life they have tough times but in the end they are successful by their strong will, grit & determination.
Nature wise & character wise they are independent, impulsive, & hasty in temper.
If number 9 plays more than usual role in their life than they shall make great enemies, to cause opposition, wherever they may be & they are either wounded or killed in warfare or in the battle of life.
They have great courage & they do very well in warfare & become very good soldiers or leaders. They resent criticism & they have always a good opinion of themselves, brooking no interference with their plans. They want to be considered "the head of the house ". They experience many quarrels & strife in their home life or with relations or with family they marry into.
Their greatest dangers are foolhardiness, impulsiveness in all their actions. They are prone to accidents of fire, explosions & rarely get through life without injury from these causes. As a rule they get through some kind of operation by the surgeon's knife.
They are resourceful & excellent in organization but they must have the fullest control ; if not, they lose heart & stand aside & let things go to pieces.
For love & affection they will do anything & men of this number can be made fools of if some clever woman gets pulling at their heartstrings.
Number 9 people make very good friends with number 3, 6, 9 born , such as born on 12th, 15th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 27th, 30th of any month. All these numbers are in harmonious relation to the number 9.
This number 9 has very curios properties. It is the only number in calculation that, multiplied by any number always reproduces itself, for example 9 times 2 is 18 & 1+8 is 9 & so on with any number it is multiplied.
This number is supposed to be a fortunate number to be born with until unless one controls it and is not carried away by excess temper & violence it represents.
So any person born on the 9th, 18th or 27th of any month shall have all these qualities in their personality.
Dates of any month when they should carry out their ideas & plans........9th, 18th or 27th of any month.
Days of the week very lucky for these people.......... Tuesday, Thursday & Friday So if number 9 people carry on/start their plans on Tuesday, Thursday & Friday , they shall be lucky in whatever they do.
Well than, i don't want any credits for this neither i claim any copyright on this post because i took it from here just because i find it interesting, www.hellonetfriends.com
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